My grandmother Lucretia had always been in style. In honor of her life and fashionable ways I decided that my first fashion post be dedicated to her today, on her birthday. According to paper records, she would have been 86 years old, but she was older than her birth certificate stated, so she actually would have been closer to 93. She never went out the house without looking sharp. My grandmother and her sisters grew up in a time when it was cool to get dressed up and take pictures. The above picture was taken when she was 21. Even though you can't see it in the picture her hair was jet black and her eyes hazel, looking fierce and fabulous. She will always be near and dear to my heart. I love you and thank you grandma for always inspiring me to keep it stylish, happy birthday!
Below are a couple more pictures of her throughout her life:

Fashion truly repeats itself because my grandma is definitely rocking loafers which are very in right now!

This picture was taken in the forties. The two children on either side of my grandma are my uncle and aunt when they were little.