For a family member's birthday, we hosted a cookout. Considering the toasty temperature, I wanted to stay cool, (at least try to), but I was also in a Punk inspired mood. I recently bought this top and fell in love and kept the bottoms extremely simple to let the top take center stage.
|| Tie Front Shirt: Sparkle & Fade (found at Urban Outfitters) | Shorts: American Eagle | Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters | Shoes: Black low-top Converses | Necklace: My grandmother's ||
So this outfit is very relaxed. I actually wore something similar to this on Record Store Day back in April. Being a gal that absolutely loves vinyl records, (just as much as I love shoes!), this shirt is one of my favorite graphic tees in my closet. Delicious Vinyl is actually an independent record label based out of Los Angeles, CA. But none the less, this shirt is fab enough for me to have 2! (They also have different colors and variations of shirts.)
|| Hat: H&M | Earrings: Charlotte Russe | Delicious Vinyl Tee | Jeans: BDG | Rocking Horse Shoes ||
Sew In Love: Cotton Polka Dot Shirt + Bonus Post!
By B.Nova - Tuesday, June 18, 2013
I'd been wanting to finish this shirt for a while and I finally buckled down and finished it. I used the same pattern that I created for my Color Block Blouse with a few modifications. One day I saw a top similar to mine in Forever 21 and I knew off hand that I could make it. It's a basic top without any bells and whistle, but I think my favorite part of my blouse is the sleeves, which were also modified from my original handmade pattern. So here it is!

What's old is new again! These black heels have been in my closet since my freshman year in college. I've broken them in so now they are incredibly comfortable, but most importantly back in style! It's always good to keep one or two things you really love even when they might not be considered "trendy."
|| Sunglasses: Betsey Johnson | Necklace: It was a gift in college | Shorts: American Eagle | Heels: Guess ||
So as promised there is a bonus post for today. I wanted to share these with all of you, just because you're fabulous! So here goes...
Aren't these shoes nuts?! And on top of that I made them, YES MADE THEM!
With stacked "Spice Girl" platforms sneak back into being a trend, I figured I share these. The sneakers are fairly easy to find at the moment, but can get quite pricey. I transformed a pair of Nike Air Force 1's into a fierce Baby Spice inspired sneaker. They are sturdy and I can walk in them. I'm 5'2'' and with these on I am close to 6'0 tall, (yeah I know right!). There are other sites that actually show you how to create the stacked platforms on a smaller scale, (for more everyday wear) but I unfortunately won't post one here. Again I just wanted you all to see these, plus they look really cute with this shirt!
The title is pretty self-explanatory of the outfit...
|| Bandanna: Walmart | Sunglasses: Old Navy | MJ Tee: Hot Topic (I got this awhile ago so I'm not sure if any stores would still have them) | Bullhead Jeans: PacSun | Blue & Pink Oxfords: Qupid ||
I've finally had the chance to post this DIY. I've tried to make it so it's easy to understand, but if you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below and I'll be happy to answer them! And as always, be careful when you do any craft or sewing projects!
This is a fairly long post, so get ready, get set, scroll!
Here is what you need:
- Pleather Fabric cut into two squares (mine are 16" x 18" including a 1/2" seam allowance**)
- Zipper (make sure it is long enough for the top of your purse)
- Fabric Scissors or Rotary Cutter
- Fabric Paint, any color (you can find this in the craft section of just about any store)
- Paintbrush
- Water bowl
- Blue Painter's Tape
- Ruler (one about 18" would work best - I used my clear sewing/quilting ruler)
- Fabric pins
- Paint Palette (optional)
- (Not shown: Sewing machine)
**Seam Allowance: this is where you will sew the fabric. This will not be included in the final measurement of the purse. This makes it easier to sew your seams together.The final size of this purse will be 15" x 17" (38.1 cm x 43.18 cm), but you can adjust the size according to what you want.
Step 1: Measure and cut out your fabric to your desired size. Remember to add a 1/2" (1.27 cm) to each side - so for example, if you decide to have a purse that ends up being 10" x 10" (25.4 cm x 25.4 cm), each square should be 11" x 11" (27.94 cm x 27.94 cm) in size.
Step 2: Determine how wide you want your stripes to be and measure across the length of the fabric squares. Here these stripes are 1 1/2" (3.81 cm) wide. When measuring the stripes, be sure to measure the entire width of the fabric. One end will have a slightly smaller stripe and that is okay. But again you can make them bigger or smaller.
Step 3: Now on to the fun part! Take your fabric paint and test the color on a piece of scrap fabric. This will ensure that this is the color you want. See my test swatch below.
(Feel free to use any color, here I used white since black and white is a huge trend for spring. But, you can use red, lavender, green or multiple colors. Be inspired!)
Step 4: Paint the pleather with the fabric paint. It takes about 3-4 layers of paint to get the stripe completely opaque. I alternated back and forth between each square to allow for a little bit of drying time. Follow the drying instructions of the fabric paint you use. I let these dry between 3 - 4 hours just to be sure. (This is what they should look like - I did my stripes in both directions for visual appeal.)
Step 5: Next I pinned and stitched the zipper to both sides of the fabric, with the stripes facing toward each other. Since the pleather is somewhat clingy, I took a piece of square cardboard, (or you can use a sheet of paper - it works just as well), to stick in between. This is illustrated with the next two pictures. (NOTE: Normally when stitching seams you place your pins perpendicular to your fabric to keep from breaking your machine needle. So if you don't feel comfortable with pinning them like I did, it' best to do it that way. See Step 6's image to see what I mean).
Step 6: Pin and stitch each side of the purse. (I usually use a 1/2" seam allowance when I sew). Next do the same for the bottom. Once all sides are sewn, trim the fabric on the outside down by about half. Trim the corners of the bottom to ensure you get the squared shape at the bottom - if you don't, the seam will not be as defined and will appear more rounded and you don't want that!
Step 7: Turn the purse and be sure to push the corners out as far as they will go. They should look pointed. Fold it over and now you are ready to rock it! This purse will hold a few things, but for more reinforcement, you can always add a lining.

So my cell phone case was long overdue for a makeover. When I bought it about 2 years ago, I thought at the color would stay on it a little longer than it did, but what can I say, I bought it off of Amazon for about $6.00 so I could only expect so much.
So this is what my poor cell phone looked like before...(I know it's tragic!)
Here is what I used to "remix" my cell phone case:
- Cell Phone Case (mine is the hard plastic kind)
- Paper plate or working surface
- Glitter - the color of your choice ( I used a solid color and an iridescent - to give it a shiny prism effect)
- Foam brush
- Clear nail polish (the cheap kind - I bought one for less than $1)
- Mod Podge
- Nail Art Pen (optional)
Step 1: If your case looks like mine, I gently washed it with mild soap and water to make sure it was clean. Using the foam brush I painted a decent layer of MP onto the case - if you put too little, the glitter won't stick and if you put too much, than it will take forever to dry! (Make sure to cover it completely.)
Step 2: Add the glitter! Make sure to cover the case with as much as you can. I used my fingers to spread it evenly over the case. WARNING: Your hands will be covered in glitter by the end of this step - and you can never have too much glitter! (Lol) Let it dry for a little while or until the glitter doesn't move on the case.
(The back of the case covered) - The white spot you see is where the glitter didn't stick as well so I applied more MP and glitter.
(Here is what it looks like after the first coating.)
Step 3: Paint a second layer of MP over the glitter to seal it. While it is still wet, I added a little of the iridescent glitter (the second picture). Let it dry for about 45 minutes to an hour. If you can't wait that long you can use a blow dryer to speed up the process. The only thing is according to the people at MP, use the cool setting and hold it at about 12 inches (5.08cm) away because heat will actually cause the MP to melt and possibly melt the case.
(It's so sparkly!)
Step 4: This step is completely optional. If you have a nail pen, you can decorate on top of the glitter to make even more personalized. I added a butterfly - an absolute must for me! - and some outlining on the front. Give this design a few minutes to dry, depending on the size of your creation. If you decide to leave it plain go to Step 5.
Step 5: Using the clear nail polish, paint a clear coat over the entire case to lock in the glitter. If you don't do this step, glitter will follow you everywhere, so this is important. Let it dry completely before attaching it back onto your phone. (I waited about an hour, just to be on the safe side, but again a blow dryer works here too).
So now my once tragic iPhone case is completely transformed! I loved this DIY so much I can't wait to do it again!
Even in the warmer months, early in the morning it can be chilly. I like to layer that way when the temperature rises, I can shed the sweater and still look chic!
|| Sweater: BDG | Scallop Shirt: L'Amour (JC Penney) | Necklace: Forever 21 | Purse: Target | Capris: TJ Maxx | Kitten Heels: Chelsea Crew ||
Summer is right around the corner, (although where I am it feels like it's already here), and I'm starting to get in the mood to dress with light layers and lots of color!
|| Sunglasses: Old Navy | Scallop Blouse: L'Amour (JC Penney) | Skirt & Belt: Macy's | Sandals: Old Navy ||
**FASHION TIP: Sometimes when you have a belt, but no belt loops, you can use clear hair rubber bands to hold the belt strap in place without having to worry about it flying all over the place.
An example of the rubber bands can be found here.