I've been on the hunt for a decent size tiger ring that was not too over priced and actually looked like a tiger. I wasn't satisfied with what I found, so I kept searching and came across a website Oka Jewelry. With the success of more recent orders that have come from outside the US, I decided to give this one a try. And my end result was two thumbs way up!
The price was decent and I was not expecting to get the package with a special gift inside!

The box the ring was held in is absolutely adorable!

So when I opened the box to find a handwritten note that said "I hope you like your gift too" and it had a smiley face. So when I moved the note, I had such an amazing surprise, a second ring, but not only that, it's my favorite color!! Sometimes it's interesting how things work out, especially since they had no idea I loved this color.

I absolutely love these rings and will be wearing them quite often. So my overall experience was extremely positive. I did have to pay shipping, but it wasn't outrageous. Also if you order 3 items or more, they will ship it free.
This is the direct link to the ring, Oka Jewelry.