Jimi Hendrix was such an amazing guitarist and I enjoy listening to the music he left behind. So there is no doubt when I found this shirt that had to get it. It reminds me of "Purple Haze" which is one of his most notable songs aside from his unique and awesome rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner."
I know a popular trend is to wear band tees of various rock and metal icons, but I feel if you don't listen to them or have at least a little bit of knowledge about the band it kind of boosts itself as a fad. So I try to only wear artists that I actually listen to. I know some people don't care either way (and that's fine), but to each is own, but it is important to know what and who you are wearing. I recently discovered a brand that was boosting a shocking image that made me think twice about purchasing it.
Here I layered my jean shorts over leggings just to see how it would look and it turned out to be pretty comfortable and stylish.
So here is the look...enjoy!