So a long time ago I made a quilt out of t-shirts to help with de-cluttering my drawers. If you can do it or know someone that can do it for you, I totally encourage it because not only do you keep the memories, but you can also make the space. I ended up with a 36-square quilt that has kept me warm so many times.
When the time came for me to figure out how to clean it. There are so many ways to clean quilts, but no matter the way, no one recommended sticking it directly into the washing machine. There was also no way I could or would have the time to spot clean or hand wash this massive thing. Usually when I have more delicate, dry clean only pieces, I'd place them in the Dryel bag and clean them that way. So I figured, why not clean my quilt in the Dryel bag too! Since the quilt is entirely cotton, I knew heat would mess it up.
I followed the instructions as for any other item you would clean in the bag. Well I have to say I was excited to see that not only was the quilt protected, but it was clean without a lot of work.
Now I'm not sure if this will work with all quilts - I know that handmade quilts are very delicate because of the stitching and construction, but this method worked for me and I intend to do it again the next time I have to clean it - which hopefully will not be too often.