I have never been a die hard coffee drinker, but on occasion, I'll drink a cup or two of decaf. Usually my coffee is iced and it is more milk and creamer than coffee. I am all about some tea, but I like to keep my taste buds open to new things. One day at church, they were giving away a free cup of coffee, (which happens on occasion), and I ended up with a piping hot cup of a decaf coffee that has changed the game.
Larry's Coffee is a locally owned and operated coffee beanery that has flavors of all kinds. They even make custom blends. One of my friends Gabi has her own blend for her shop Gabi's Grounds. The cup I tried at church called "Twilight", has changed the game for me in terms of coffee. It's a smooth medium roast that caused me to actually like coffee more than I ever have. Don't get me wrong, tea is still my number one, but when I do have a cup of joe, this is what I have.

So since I only drink small amounts of coffee, it made no sense for me to actually get a coffee maker any time I wanted a cup. So instead of me wasting coffee that I may or may not finish drinking, I opted to get a French Press so that I could accommodate my coffee cravings.
I have been loving all things iridescent and oil slick lately, and when I saw this press on Amazon, I jumped at the chance.

This press is still available and you can find it here: $28 - Amazon
(At the time of purchase it was only $26)
Until next time!