So much has happened in the last few weeks that it has been hard to process. First, with this pandemic, Covid-19, it has impacted people on a global level and it has caused most of us to shelter-in-place to cut down on exposure risk - whether exposing others or being exposed ourselves. And then came the tragedy of George Floyd who was murdered in police custody in broad daylight. And before him, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor and the countless other lives that were taken because someone else made a choice. There is so much effecting the normal of humanity, it is difficult to digest.
As a woman of color, (who is also multi-racial), I have been watching the narrative from different sides. I have seen people's reactions as well as people who were in desperate need of education and awareness to injustices and situations people have been dealing with for over 400 years here in the United States.
It has been incredible to see people standing up for equality and justice, while still hoping that there are others that will continue to grow and expand their capacity that still remains behind privilege. Seeing many people speaking up in ways that have never happened before warms my heart that we are headed in the direction of change. We are growing as a people, and things that used to be tolerated are no longer able to slide under the radar in all areas of life (makeup, sports, music, restaurants, literature, chain stores, major brands and labels, parent companies who hold multiple entities, and even in the world of blogging to name a few).
I look forward to seeing change and continued dialogue to move us forward as a nation and in this world rather than backwards. Black Lives Matter.

In my love for street fashion, I was doing a search more recently and stumbled across this incredible photographer and woman of color Seleen Saleh. She has a website, which features mostly people of color, while also having a diverse portfolio across all different types of people.
This was the first time I really saw street fashion where I could relate more to the style. So often when reading other bloggers or even fashion websites, the representation is not always there and upon finding this book it took me all of five minutes to purchase. There should be so many more books like this. She features everyday people and even a few well-known musicians in the book, but the emphasis remains on the fashion and connecting style to personal identity.

This is easily one of my new favorites in my fashion books. And although the book is on the smaller side, it still brings the fierceness! In fact, it is the perfect size to always have it with you.

You can check out here website and information on where to buy the book: Here.
Until Next Time!